
STS-131: Discovery
STS-132: Atlantis
STS-134: Endeavour
STS-133: Discovery


STS-122: Dec. 6

Dec. 6 STS-122
STS-122 will deliver the Columbus European Laboratory Module and will be the twenty-fourth mission to the International Space Station.
NASA - STS-122


STS-120: Oct. 23

NASA - NASA's Launch Blog - Mission STS-120
"11:38 a.m. - Three... two... one... and liftoff of space shuttle Discovery carrying the seven STS-120 astronauts! The shuttle has cleared the launch tower, beginning its mission to bring Harmony to the International Space Station. "

Oct. 23 STS-120
STS-120 will be the twenty-third mission to the International Space Station and will deliver the U.S. Node 2 Harmony module expanding the space station's capability for future international laboratories.
Launch Time: 11:38 a.m. EDT

Technicians Replace Discovery Strut Seals 09/20
NASA managers will assess the ongoing work to decide how it might affect Discovery’s Oct. 23 target launch date.


cheaper to use PS3s instead of the supercomputer.

GameSpot News: The definitive source for video game news, announcements, ship dates, rankings, sales figures, and more.
"eight PS3 systems to help him crunch numbers in his study of theoretical gravity waves. ";title;4

TChina Censors Ratchet Up Web Monitoring:he Associated Press

Reports: China 'hijacking' Google, Yahoo, Microsoft search sites | Tech news blog - CNET


Axion Gone

Axion Gone: New tests find no sign of anomalous particle: Science News Online, Oct. 20, 2007
"Last year, physicists reported seeing tantalizing experimental traces of the axion, a hypothetical subatomic particle that's been mentioned as a possible constituent of cosmic dark matter. But the axion was showing up where theory said it shouldn't be. It now looks as if it wasn't there after all."


ISS malfunction in June 2007

AFP: Back in the space race: Russian revival raises new questions
"It wants Russia's help as the troubled US Space Shuttle is due to be taken out of service in 2010 and a replacement is not due before 2014.

Moscow says it is happy to comply. It plans to double the number of Soyuz launches from 2009 to four a year and could carry out 10 launches a year by 2015 with the planned production of a six-seater vehicle, says a top official with spacecraft producer RKK Energiya, Alexander Derechin."

IEEE Spectrum: Space Station: Internal NASA Reports Explain Origins of June Computer Crisis
In the weeks that followed the crisis and apparent recovery, station commander Fyodor Yurchikhin and his fellow cosmonaut Oleg Kotov disassembled the boxes and cabling and inspected every angle of the hardware, occasionally assisted by their American crewmate, Clayton Anderson. Multiple scopes and probes had failed to find the flaw, but their eyes and fingers eventually did.
The connection pins from the power-monitoring device they'd bypassed earlier, they found, were wet—and corroded. The final report described the “change in appearance” of fasteners on one box's connectors and noted “the presence of deposits and residue on the housings, and residue and spots on the contact surfaces.”

International Space Station malfunction in June could have been catastrophic - Anablog - Blog on EDN - 1700000170
"All three computers shut down because they ran a “shutdown” signal on the same connector as the three power feeds and that connector got wet and shorted from condensate that was induced by a nearby humidifier. "

Using electroencephalograph signals for mind reading

WIRED VISION / Wired Science / Microsoft

New Scientist Invention Blog: Microsoft mind reading



Weaponization of space

The Space Review: Weaponization of space: who’s to blame?
"The latest inflammatory round in this cosmic debate of “It’s America’s fault again” is now taking place, coincident with the well-justified celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Space Age by the USSR’s Sputnik."

Letter: the weaponization of space: The Space Review
"In his recent article (see “Weaponization of space: who’s to blame?”, The Space Review, October 9, 2007) James Oberg heaps shame upon the space-war “fearmongers” : he claims they are “part of the problem, not part of the solution, which is accuracy”. However, there is good reason to fear the proliferation of space weapons and what is accurate is that space weapons are dangerous to the US security."


quasars winds -- is churning out the newly made substance

Astronomers Find Dust in the Wind of Black Holes: Press Release
Supernovae might have been more important for creating dust in some environments, while quasars were more important in others,"

"Some scientists believe that much dust was in fact created by an early generation of short-lived stars that went supernova, instead."
Stars, Humans May Owe Origin To Black Hole Dust on Wired Science


傍流 さまざまな宇宙論 Other universes

Other universes may be detectable, published study claims

宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 /WIRED VISION
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... on Wired Science
New Scientist reports on an intriguing suggestion by South Korean physicist Jae-Weon Lee:

thinking beings elsewhere in the Universe: Paul Allen

"Funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the finished array will have 350 six-metre antennas and will be one of the world's largest.
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) will be able to sweep more than one million star systems for radio signals generated by intelligent beings.
Its creators hope it will help spot definite signs of alien life by 2025."
Skies to be swept for alien life | BBC NEWS| Technology

thinking beings elsewhere in the Universe: Paul Allen

"Funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the finished array will have 350 six-metre antennas and will be one of the world's largest.
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) will be able to sweep more than one million star systems for radio signals generated by intelligent beings.
Its creators hope it will help spot definite signs of alien life by 2025."
Skies to be swept for alien life | BBC NEWS| Technology


Cassini : Celebrates 10 Years Since Launch

NASA - Cassini Mission to Saturn Celebrates 10 Years Since Launch
"Cassini rode into space Oct. 15, 1997, atop a U.S. Air Force Titan IVB. Its mission: to orbit and study the Saturnian system for four years and to put the European Space Agency's Huygens Probe in position to parachute down to the frozen surface of Saturn's Earthlike moon Titan. Since entering orbit around Saturn, Cassini's scientific instruments, powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generators, have returned immense amounts of new information via NASA's global Deep Space Network to the international team of scientists working on the mission. "


ISS Expedition 16: October 10.

October 10, Wednesday
7:30 a.m. - ISS Expedition 16 Spaceflight Participant Launch Day Preparations & Crew Suit-Up B-Roll Feed from Baikonur, Kazakhstan - JSC (Public and Media Channels)

RussiaToday : SciTech : Next space mission to ISS draws closer
"Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was one of 11,000 Malaysians who applied to live and work onboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station during a ten-day mission.
All the three members are scheduled to fly to the ISS on a Russian "Soyuz" spaceship on October 10. "

Malaysian Astronaut Won't Ignore Faith:The Associated Press
"After months of discussion and two international conferences, the Islamic National Fatwa Council came up with guidelines as to how Muslim astronauts should observe daily rituals. The rules were published in 12-page booklet titled "Muslim Obligations in the International Space Station."
Observant Muslims are required to turn toward Mecca — located in Saudi Arabia — and kneel and pray five times a day. However, with the space station circling the Earth 16 times a day, kneeling in zero gravity to pray — or facing toward Mecca for that matter — makes fulfilling those religious obligations difficult.
Malaysia's National Fatwa Council ruled that Muslim astronauts will not be required to kneel to pray if the absence of gravity makes it too hard. Facing Mecca while praying will be left to the "best abilities" of the astronaut, the council said.
Adding to the difficulties is the fact that the launch coincides with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan — when Muslims are expected to fast from dawn until dusk. The fatwa decided the fasting may be postponed until returning to Earth.
Other exceptions include allowing simple silent prayer if performing physical rituals is impossible.
Shukor will return to Earth Oct. 20 along with two members of the station's current crew — cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Kotov."

"The program to send a Malaysian to space was conceived in 2003 when Russia agreed to send a Malaysian to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Malaysia's 3.4 billion ringit (1 billion U.S. dollars) purchase of 18 Russian-made Sukhoi 30-MKM jet fighters."
Malaysia astronaut to space to be decided at last minute


宇宙線の起源: 超新星残骸 RX J1713.7-3946

超新星残骸 RX J1713.7-3946
ISAS | 超新星爆発の衝撃波で宇宙線は極めて短時間(1年程度)で加速されていた-「すざく」衛星とアメリカの「チャンドラ」衛星のX線観測より発見- / トピックス


Lunar Prospector Launch Date: 7 January 1998
Lunar Exploration Timeline
Kaguya (SELENE) - Sep 14, 2007 - Lunar Orbiter
Chang'e 1 - Late 2007 - Lunar Orbiter
Chandrayaan-1 - Apr 9, 2008 - Lunar Orbiter
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Oct, 2008 - Lunar Orbiter
Lunar-A - Cancelled - Orbiter and Penetrators
"-- January 24, 1990: A cylindrical Japanese spacecraft, Hiten, carries a small satellite into space to test and verify technologies for future missions to the moon and planets. It is intentionally crashed into the lunar surface on April 10, 1993."
JAXAのトップページはほとんど常時 "愛称"が大事なようだし 役所仕事(皮肉)


中日新聞:日本の人工衛星どこへ お寒い先行き、来年1機:科学(CHUNICHI Web)
TIMELINE: Five key dates in the race to the moon | Science | Reuters




ロシア下院議員のグルゼデフ氏の宇宙旅行は2009年11月 | 民間宇宙飛行士 |

Soyuz Ready for Launch: October 10 2007

October 10, Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - Live Launch Coverage from Baikonur, Kazakhstan (launch scheduled at 9:22 a.m. ET) - JSC (Public and Media Channels)

Lunar X-Ray Telescope Passes First Hurdle

Lunar X-Ray Telescope Passes First Hurdle
"The telescope is called MagEX, which stands for "Magnetosheath Explorer in X-rays"
"MagEX was submitted to NASA for consideration in their Lunar Sortie Science Opportunites (LSSO) programme and has cleared the first selection hurdle; it will now receive NASA funding for a technical feasibility study."

Blackwater in Japan

Stars and Stripes: Tiny base assimilates into Japanese town
The Americans work for Raytheon and Chenega Blackwater Solutions, who, respectively, run the missile radar and provide security at the base.

In the past year, a couple of workers were sent home as punishment. But Hunter has no direct control over their privilege to hold a license, as he does over soldiers.
"The local community has responded as well. Lt. Col. Masaru Ohta, the Japan Air Self Defense Force’s 21st Air Defense Missile Squadron commander, ensures Americans get invited to festivals and meetings. And the city of Tsugaru, which oversees the smaller community of Shariki, has built a police koban in the village."
WIRED VISION / 「傭兵会社」ブラックウォーター:日本でも警備業務

『Stars and Stripes』紙によると、日本海に面した人口5500人の小さな村落、つがる市車力地区(旧車力村)で、約100人が米国政府との契約のもとに『AN/TPY-2』レーダーを扱う任務に就いているという。"

Blackwater founder comes under fire -
"Today, at 38, Prince, chief of Blackwater USA, has a real army — or at least the makings of one, with weapons, aircraft, armored vehicles and a thousand or more battle-hardened security personnel. He also has something he has spent his professional life avoiding: publicity.

He appeared last week before a mostly hostile U.S. House committee investigating deadly shootings by Blackwater guards in Iraq."




HD113766 424光年先に地球に似た惑星を発見
"スピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡(Spitzer Space Telescope)にとらえられた映像は424年前のものだが、惑星にとってはまばたきほどの短い時間でしかない。この惑星の形成が完成するにはあと1億年、さらに藻などの生命体が発生するには10億年の時間が必要だと、Lisse博士はみている"
国際ニュース : AFPBB News

"RX J1713.7-3946の観測"


かぐや(SELENE)の運用状況 【随時更新予定】09/19更新

9月19日 周期調整マヌーバ1回目(ΔVp1)※実施済。
10月4日 月周回軌道投入マヌーバ(LOI1)月周回軌道(近月点100km 、遠月点13,000km)への投入 12
10月9日 リレー衛星分離 13
10月12日 VRAD衛星分離 14
10月19日 定常観測軌道(高度100km)の月周回軌道への投入 15
11月上旬頃 定常観測軌道へ投入、バス機器、観測機器の初期チェックアウト開始
12月中旬頃 初期チェックアウト完了、定常観測の開始

日時(日本時間) 実施内容結果


Technology-gives-world-rare-view-of-Myanmars-rage, but not a deep enough 'concern' to the world

Director-General condemns the killing of Japanese photo journalist Kenji Nagai in Myanmar: UNESCO-CI

UNESCO Remembers Assassinated Journalists: UNESCO-CI
"dedicated to journalists who were assassinated in the exercise of their profession. It remembers their contribution to freedom of expression, democracy and peace."

Technology gives world rare view of Myanmar's rage | CNET
Burmese bloodshed not a deep enough 'concern' to the world
"No one helped the protesters as soldiers beat them and fired upon them on that rain-soaked pavement."

Watch■ Captioned ■ ↓there↓

"Japanese journalist shot to death covering protests in Burma"

"Shot dead trying to show the real picture of Burma"

Nagai is known for his reports from the scene in Iraq during the fall of Baghdad in 2003

■You could watch■more detailed long Vids than this one on Youtube

(thought both spoken in Japanese)




Times Online described ,

"In his right hand is a video camera, held above the ground to protect it from the fall."

Needless to say, his video camera was confiscated.

It was missing when his belongings were returned by Myanmar authorities.

(Myanmar News-The New York Times)


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The failure of the international community to prevent the massacre following the 1988 people's uprising causing the death of over 3000 protestors must not be repeated. The world is watching and while the time for mere words has passed, decisive action is now needed. No state can condone such actions. I therefore echo the United Nations Secretary-General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' recent press statements and recall that the use of excessive force, killings, arbitrary arrest or ill-treatment of peaceful protesters is strictly prohibited under international law and could invoke individual criminal responsibility.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"The Human Rights Situation in Myanmar", Fifth Special Session Human Rights

Council, 2 October 2007, Geneva, Statement by Special Rapporteur on

the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, Mr. Paulo Se'rgio Pinheiro"

"5th Special session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Geneva, 2 October 2007"

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


■Eyewitness reports from bloggers inside Burma - Times Online


"On behalf of the Burmese people I salute the courage of Mr Kenji Nagai, a Japanese journalist... who sacrificed his life whilst recording media footage of gun shots to educate the global citizens."

ko htike's prosaic collection



death toll is, possibly 100



YouTube Playlist: Kenji Nagai's

Documentary Works:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Kenji Nagai - Wikipedia

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

His Documentary Works:(YouTube)

Iraqi War by Nagai. The first part of Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


■ Documentary Works on support of

HIV Orphans in Thailand:(YouTube)

Part1 =LPjWF6PtHrI

Part2 =E1w0VG7UPn0


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

More about Kenji Nagai :

"I want to see my son soon," his mother said.

■Death list by junta violent crush (from AAPP)

Name: Kenji Nagai

Adress: Nakano Ward, Tokyo, Japan

Age: 50

Date of death: 27 September, 2007

Remark:He is a photo journalist of freeland


International reaction to the 2007 Burmese anti-government protests - Wikipedia

(Myanmar News-The New York Times)



Director-General condemns the killing of Japanese photo journalist ...
UNESCO (Communiqués de presse) - Paris,France
The Director-General of UNESCO Koïchiro Matsuura condemned the killing of Japanese photo journalist Kenji Nagai in Rangoon and echoed the call by UN ...
See all stories on this topic

LA professor triggers Myanmar Web shutdown
Reuters Canada - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
The government has since admitted responsibility for the death of the journalist Kenji Nagai. A video of Nagai's killing on September 27 was sent to Ryan ...
See all stories on this topic

Monks from rebel age group a rare sight
Sydney Morning Herald - Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
Japan's video news agency APF News president Toru Yamaji (R) pays his respects at the location where Japanese journalist Kenji Nagai was killed in September ...
See all stories on this topic


As journalists are not allowed inside Burma, the reporter cannot be named for security reasons

Monks are now absent from protests in Burma as many have been detained by the junta, an undercover reporter says.
As journalists are not allowed inside Burma, the reporter cannot be named for security reasons
Al Jazeera's correspondent in Myanmar says the military is now firmly back in control of the country's streets.
He has not been named for his own safety.


twin disks have very different properties

Astronomers in Korea and Japan observed both gaseous and solid material in a pair of protostellar disks and found that the twin disks have very different properties
Minho's Astronomy Image Gallery
"There are two protostars, NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1/2, at the center of the new radio images. Among them, A1 is brighter in the radio emission from interstellar dust while A2 is brighter in the emission from molecular gas. A1 and A2 are located in a single molecular cloud. That is, they are twin baby stars being made in a single mother body. "


噂は聞いてたけど、決まったらしい かってのLord British改めジェネラル(爆)ブリティッシュことRichard Garriott 地球周回軌道へ

ロード・ブリティッシュ改めジェネラル・ブリティッシュことRichard Garriott


ギャリオット氏は,宇宙飛行士だった父親の影響で宇宙への関心が強いことで知られており,2007年4月にはイギリスの理論物理学者で,ブラックホールに関する研究で日本でも有名なスティーブン・ホーキング博士と共に,無重力状態を体験するフライトに参加している(。今回の飛行は,民間人の宇宙飛行を斡旋する,Space Adventuresに依頼するもので,一回のフライトには2500万~3000万ドル(約29億~35億円)の費用がかかるとのこと


Shot dead trying to show the real picture of Myanmar clashes

Japanese journalist shot to death covering protests in Burma - On Deadline -
"Kenji Nagai of APF, a Japanese news service, continues to work after being shot during clashes today between Burmese security forces and anti-government protesters. Nagai later died of his wounds. "

Today's photo: Japanese journalist shot to death covering protests ...
USA Today - 4 hours ago
Kenji Nagai of APF, a Japanese news service, continues to work after being shot during clashes today between Burmese security forces and anti-government ...
Foreign journo dies in Myanmar News24

Japanese journalist first foreign victim of Myanmar clashes AFP
The Statesman - The Japan Times
all 19 news articles »

The Sunday Times
Shot dead trying to show the real picture of Burma
Independent, UK - 32 minutes ago
We cannot be certain of the exact circumstances in which Mr Nagai died, but a series of pictures appears to suggest he was callously gunned down, ...
how the protest was crushed The Sunday Times
Photographer killed doing his job The Herald
Japanese journalist killed in Burma Press Gazette

Soyuz relocation Sep 27, 2007


NASA - International Space Station
International Space Station crew members docked their Soyuz TMA-10 spacecraft to the aft port of the Zvezda service module at 3:47 p.m. EDT Thursday, completing a move of 80 feet."

qubits:Two Giant Steps In Advancement Of Quantum Computing Achieved

ScienceDaily: Two Giant Steps In Advancement Of Quantum Computing Achieved
"Science Daily — Two major steps toward putting quantum computers into real practice -- sending a photon signal on demand from a qubit onto wires and transmitting the signal to a second, distant qubit -- have been brought about by a team of scientists at Yale."
Qubits, the building blocks of a future quantum computer, become useful when quantum communication between them can be established. In our experiment, this job is done by photons in a cavity on a microchip. This way, quantum information is successfully shuttled back and forth between two superconducting qubits. (Robert Schoelkopf Lab, Yale University)

Two Giant Steps In Advancement Of Quantum Computing Achieved
Science Daily (press release) - 19 hours ago
Science Daily — Two major steps toward putting quantum computers into real practice -- sending a photon signal on demand from a qubit onto wires and ...

Quantum communication: atoms talk long distance
Reuters UK, UK - 13 hours ago
So far, physicists have worked mostly on developing the most basic of elements that can store information known as quantum bits, or qubits. ...

Superconducting Quantum Computing Cable Created
Science Daily (press release) - 19 hours ago
The scientists encoded information in one qubit, transferred this information as microwave energy to the resonant section of cable for a short storage time ...

A quantum leap for quantum computing
AFP - 23 hours ago
This is not the first time that scientists have succeeded in linking one qubit with another, said Majer. But it is the first time they have done so over a ...
News and Views (subscription), UK - Sep 26, 2007
In principle, a serviceable quantum computer needs a collection of fully controllable qubits. A qubit can be represented by pretty much anything physical ...
Coupling superconducting qubits via a cavity bus (subscription), UK - Sep 26, 2007
Superconducting circuits are promising candidates for constructing quantum bits (qubits) in a quantum computer; single-qubit operations are now routine 1, ...
Coherent quantum state storage and transfer between two phase ... (subscription), UK - Sep 26, 2007
After preparing an initial quantum state with the first qubit, this quantum information is transferred and stored as a nonclassical photon state of the ...
Quantum computing gets its chips
New Scientist (subscription), UK - Sep 26, 2007
After encoding information in one qubit, they transferred it into the cavity for 10 nanoseconds before transferring it to the other qubit. ...

Dawn Launched: 27 Sep

7:35 a.m. – Six of the solid-fueled boosters have burned out and fallen away from the Delta II rocket. The three remaining boosters ignited to help speed the Dawn spacecraft on its way. .

7:34 a.m. – The Delta II has reached Mach 1 thirty seconds after launch. .

7:34 a.m. - LIFTOFF!

7:33 a.m. - T- 1 minute and counting . . .

7:32 a.m. – T- 2 minutes and counting . . .

7:31 a.m. – Dawn is in the last stage of the countdown. Computers and sensors on the computer and spacecraft are signaling they are ready for launch. .

7:30 a.m. - T-4 minutes and counting . . . Controllers gave their "go" for launch and Dawn remains on schedule for a 7:20 a.m. liftoff.

7:26 a.m. - The new launch time comes at the end of a collision avoidance window. That means Dawn would have come closer than allowed to an object already in orbit if it had launched between 7:27 a.m. and 7:33 a.m. Because the object is moving at orbital speed, it takes only a few minutes to move out of the way. Meanwhile, the ship that violated the exclusion area has also moved out of the way.

7:24 a.m. - NEW LAUNCH TIME: 7:34 a.m.

NASA - NASA's Launch Blog - Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres
"7:24 a.m. - NEW LAUNCH TIME: 7:34 a.m.
7:20 a.m. - A ship has entered the exclusion area offshore. The ship is in the area where the solid-fueled boosters would fall. The ship should be out of the area by 7:25 a.m. A new launch time has not been set.
7:12 a.m. - The final "go" has been issued for launch at 7:20 a.m.
7:06 a.m. - T-4 minutes and holding . . . The countdown has entered its last planned pause. "


Dawn's launch day has been delayed 24 hours to Sept. 27. Weather prevented techinicians from completing the loading of fuel on the Delta rocket's second stage.

The Dawn Mission will be the first time a spacecraft will orbit two planetary bodies on a single voyage as it studies Ceres and Vesta.
Launch window: 7:25 to 7:54 a.m. EDT
NASA - NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions

NASA names the day for Dawn raid on asteroid belt | The Register
"The agency gets three chances. Although each window is short, there is a launch opportunity on each of the 26, 27, and 28 September, so even if a storm threatens on 26 September, the asteroid hunter could still see space next week."


Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)

"The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), now scheduled for launch in 2011, will observe the cosmos in the poorly studied high-energy X-ray band. It is part of NASA's Small Explorer class of missions, which have a cost cap of $105 million, not including launch costs.
NuSTAR will carry out a census of black holes of all sizes, from small ones weighing a few times the mass of the Sun to 'supermassive' black holes weighing millions or billions of Suns.
NuSTAR should be able to spot some dust-shrouded black holes that other satellites like the Chandra X-ray Observatory cannot see. That's because NuSTAR detects X-rays with energies as high as 80,000 electronvolts (80 keV), which can penetrate dust that blocks lower-energy X-rays."
NASA resurrects cancelled black hole mission - space - 21 September 2007 - New Scientist Space


Ulysses space probe

Ulysses returns to the Sun's polar cap

Although originally designed for a mission lasting 5 years, the Ulysses space probe and its suite of 9 scientific experiments are still going strong after more than 16 years in orbit.
ESA Portal - Life in Space - Ulysses scores a hat-trick

Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX): 地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」

Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX)

9月13日 三菱重工業株式会社横浜製作所本牧工場 横浜港より出港

朝日新聞 - 3時間前
巨大地震の巣「南海トラフ」における地震の発生メカニズムを解明しようと海洋研究開発機構の地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」が24日、和歌山県・新宮港南東約70キロの熊野灘で、海底下の掘削作業に着手した。一帯は、海側のプレート(岩板)が陸側のプレートの下に ...

紀伊半島沖の東南海地震震源域 プレート境界初掘削 「ちきゅう」出航
フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 2007年9月21日
海洋研究開発機構の最新鋭の科学掘削船「ちきゅう」(約5万7000トン)が21日午後4時すぎ、和歌山県新宮市の新宮港から紀伊半島沖に向けて出航した。日米が主導する統合国際深海掘削計画(IODP)の一環として、24日ごろから東南海地震の震源域であるプレート ...

朝日新聞 - 2007年9月21日
東南海地震の震源域「南海トラフ」付近の海底構造を探るため、海洋研究開発機構の地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」が21日夕、和歌山県の新宮港を出港、調査地点の熊野灘に向かった。新宮港の南東約70キロ付近の海底から地質試料を採取し、巨大地震や津波が発生する ...

日本経済新聞 - 2007年9月21日
海洋研究開発機構の地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」が21日午後、新宮港(和歌山県)を出港した。紀伊半島沖約100キロの熊野灘で東南海地震の震源域とされる海底を掘削し、地震発生の仕組みを解明する研究に役立てる。早ければ24日から掘削を開始する予定。 ...

探査船ちきゅう 始まる地震発生の謎解明
山陽新聞 - 2007年9月22日
海洋研究開発機構の地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」が、いよいよ深海底の本格的な掘削を始める。掘削調査海域は、東南海地震などの震源域とされる南海トラフが延びる紀伊半島沖の熊野灘である。 「ちきゅう」は、玉野市の三井造船玉野事業所で建造された。 ...

巨大地震発生の仕組み探る 探査船「ちきゅう」新宮港出港
紀伊民報 - 2007年9月22日
熊野灘の南海トラフを掘削して、巨大地震(南海、東南海)の発生の仕組みを探る、海洋研究開発機構=神奈川県横須賀市=の地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」(全長210メートル、幅38メートル、5万7087トン)が21日午後、新宮市の新宮港を調査海域に向けて出港した。 ...


Spaceport America

Texas space ventures rocket into reality | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Business
"Spaceport America Construction is to begin next year on Spaceport America, a commercial spaceport in New Mexico.
In Van Horn, Texas - 120 miles southeast of El Paso - a private spaceport built by Jeff Bezos, founder of, is already testing rockets for his Blue Origin venture."

China to add 4th launch site: Wenchang Satellite Launch Center

China to add 4th launch site: Wenchang Satellite Launch Center
WSLC is China’s southernmost space center, being only about 19 degrees north of the equator.
"Besides its three existing launch sites at Jiuquan, Taiyuan, and Xichang, China is adding a fourth site at Hainan Province to keep up with its expanding presence in space. "- iTWire

China National Space Administration

日本の二大紙(爆)は いつも通りの具合(爆) 中国、海南省に新たな打上げ施設建設へ - 人民日報 - 国際


10th anniversary of the discovery of dark energy

"10th anniversary of the discovery of dark energy this fall"
Begley: The Mysteries of the Universe's 'Dark Energy’ - Newsweek Sharon Begley -

"We have an idea as to its parameters, but we still don't know what dark matter is made of," said Stavros Katsanevas, head of France's national institute for nuclear and particle physics.
"We think we understand the universe, but we only understand four percent of everything," said James Watson Cronin, who won the 1980 Nobel for physics by proving that certain subatomic reactions escape the laws of fundamental symmetry.
AFP: In the dark: science still mystified by stuff of universe


Book: ISScapades: The Crippling of America’s Space Program By Donald A. Beattie

ISScapades: The Crippling of America’s Space Program By Donald A. Beattie;
Donald A. Beattie, a retired senior manager at NASA, was in its inner sanctum during the crucial period, from 1982 to 1998, when the station was conceived and born.
IEEE Spectrum: Lost in Space
"Reviewed by James Oberg
You can learn a lot from this study of the International Space Station, a troubled attempt to coordinate NASA and its Soviet and later Russian counter­part. Above all, you learn how not to manage a major technological project."

Herschel: Largest space telescope Slated for launch in French Guiana next July

Herschel's heart and brain mated
19 September 2007
Herschel, Europe’s infrared space observatory is being presented to the media today

"Herschel, which, when launched next year, will be the largest space telescope yet put into orbit.
Slated for launch in French Guiana next July.
Herschel will deepen the data being collected by the ESA's older Infrared Space Observatory, along with the U.S. Spitzer telescope, and Japan's Akari, looking at areas of the spectrum that have yet to be studied in this manner.
" Wired Science - Wired Blogs


Magnetars : a type of neutron star

"Astronomers discovered a magnetar with the NASA's X-Ray Timing Explorer in July 2003, when it brightened by about 100 times its usual faint luminosity. They continued monitoring it regularly with the European Photon Imaging Camera, known as EPIC, on the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton Observatory until March 2006, when the object faded to its pre-outburst brightness.
As the magnetar faded, EPIC recorded changes in the energies of the X-rays released.
University of Arizona Astronomers Pinpoint Origin of Nature's Most Powerful Magnetic Bursts | UANews"


Progress 25 to plunge into Earth's atmosphere and burn up during reentry -- Disposable Russian Cargo Ship Departs Space Station
"The unmanned Progress 25 supply ship undocked from the aft end of the space station's Russian-built Zvezda service module at 8:37 p.m. EDT (0037 Sept. 19 GMT).

Russian flight controllers plan to put the disposable space freighter through a week-long series of propulsion maneuvers before commanding Progress 25 to plunge into Earth's atmosphere and burn up during reentry."


International Space Station is an orbital turkey

Nobel Laureate Disses NASA's Manned Spaceflight --
""Human beings don't serve any useful function in space," Weinberg told "They radiate heat, they're very expensive to keep alive and unlike robotic missions, they have a natural desire to come back, so that anything involving human beings is enormously expensive.""

I love ISS, but his opinion might not be wrong, in fact.
確かに そういう一面はある

Voyager: Planetary Voyage



NORADが監視している人工物体同士による初の衝突 1996年

1999年打ち上げの気象衛星「風雲1号C」を標的とした中国の衛星破壊 時の詳細記事から


"NHK 2007/01/19

一年も経たないうちに そんなこともあったなぁって
その時感じた憤りも すっかり忘れちゃう のでコピペ


"事を荒立てることで中国政府の 反発を招き中国国内でのビジネスに影響が生じることを恐れたGoogleが中国が衛星破壊 用のミサイルを発射したロケット発射基地の地図画像を判別できないように修正を加え る"


宇宙開発: 1年前に打ち上げられたロケットが軌道上で突然爆発、大量のデブリが拡散




"【テクノバーン】(2007/3/5 17:48)ブッシュ政権は2日、今後、50年間に渡って利用されてる新型核弾頭にローレンスリバ モア国立研究所が開発した核弾頭を採用することを発表"以上【テクノバーン】

Star Eats Star

SWIFT J1756.9-2508 system (credit:NASA)

NASA - "Star Eats Star"

Space watchers spot pulsar eating a star | The Register
"NASA says the SWIFT J1756.9-2508 system is one of the most bizarre objects ever discovered in space. The observations from the RXTE satellite suggest the pulsar, which contains roughly 1.4 solar masses, is about 10 miles in diameter, and is spinning 182.07 times per second."

NASA Begins Hunt for New Astronauts

NASA Begins Hunt for New Astronauts --
"The U.S. space agency announced Tuesday that it is accepting applications for its 2009 Astronaut Candidate Class. Would-be spaceflyers have until July 1, 2008 to apply, the agency said.
"They would begin duty at the Johnson Space Center in August 2009," NASA spokesperson Katherine Trinidad told of the new astronauts. Based in Houston, Texas, the Johnson Space Center (JSC) is home to NASA's space shuttle and ISS mission controls, as well as its astronaut corps.
After completing basic training, members of the 2009 astronaut class could go on to fly long-duration flights to the ISS or lunar flights aboard NASA's future Orion Crew Exploration Vehicles, NASA officials said."

Want to be an astronaut? Here's your chance | - Houston Chronicle
"NASA posted a hiring notice for new astronauts Tuesday, seeking for the first time in almost 30 years men and women to fly aboard spacecraft other than the shuttle."

Variations of the Delta rocket

Delta Rocket Gallery

The WorldView-1 satellite launched on September 18 -- Countdown Coverage for Delta 2 Rocket's WorldView-1 Launch
"Countdown Coverage for Delta 2 Rocket's WorldView-1 Launch"

The WorldView-1 satellite is scheduled to launch on Tuesday,
September 18, 2007, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
衛星「WorldView I」9月18日に打ち上げ
Boeing: Integrated Defense Systems - Boeing Launch Services - Delta
", with the launch window opening at 11:35am and closing at 11:49am PT. "

"「Google Earth」に画像を提供している米DigitalGlobeが、高解像度の新衛星「WorldView I」は9月18日に打ち上げ"
Google Earth画像、新衛星でさらに高精細に - ITmedia News

HTV (H-II Transfer Vehicle)

JAXA | HTV (H-II Transfer Vehicle)  


Making of Japanese AstroE2

Making of AstroE2
Credit: NASA TV

Jupiter and Pluto

Jupiter Feb 2007

that make humans human

Human Evolution - Genus Homo - Lost in a Million-Year Gap, Solid Clues to Human Origins - New York Times
"Neurobiology probes the circuitry of the brain for the secrets of behaviors and thoughts that make humans human."


30年遅れの 月に有人じゃなく ESAロシアは火星を目指す?

ESA Portal - Lift-off for Foton microgravity mission
14 September 2007
ESA PR 28-2007. An unmanned Foton spacecraft, carrying a payload of more than 40 ESA experiments, was successfully launched earlier today. The Soyuz-U launcher lifted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, at 13:00 CEST (11:00 GMT)."

"Life Marker Chip" (LMC) experiment, which has the potential to detect trace levels of biomarkers in the Martian environment. Biomarkers are molecular fingerprints that indicate if life currently is, or ever was, present on Mars.
The LMC experiment has been proposed for the European Space Agency's ExoMars rover mission, which is planned for launch in 2013.
ScienceDaily: Life on Mars 'Pregnancy Test' Successfully Launched
"The experiment was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan as part of the European Space Agency's BIOPAN-6 experiment platform. The LMC components will experience both weightlessness and the harsh space radiation environment while orbiting the Earth 180 times at an altitude of up to 190 miles (308 km) during the 11.8 day mission.
The BIOPAN-6 platform is mounted on the outside of an un-manned Russian FOTON spacecraft. Once in space the BIOPAN-6 platform will open to expose its contents directly to the space environment, testing both their resistance to space radiation and the space vacuum, before closing and returning to Earth on September 25th. "

Satellite to test special deliveries from space - Space News -
"cheaper method of returning small cargo from the international space station "

WIRED VISION / Wired Science / 人工衛星ペイロードを「振り子」のように地球に戻す実験

日本の記事 タイトルがなんとも(^^ゞ

国際協力による有人月探査は様子見 - ビジネススタイル - nikkei BPnet

This Week at NASA 0915


the 55 billion yen ($479.2 million) launch of SELENE

"The lunar orbiter Kaguya, named after a Moon princess in a Japanese fairytale, was launched from Japan's space centre on the small southern island of Tanegashima. The 55 billion yen ($480 million) Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE), to give it its full name, will orbit the Earth twice before beginning a 20-day, 237,500-mile (380,000-km) journey to establish an orbit around the Moon." "

防衛省に呑み込まれなければ いいのだけど・・・

"西野弘のとことん対談 立川敬二 宇宙開発の精神性――世界人類に貢献するということ(後編)
2006年2月号 Web用に再編集

月周回衛星「かぐや」(SELENE)打上げ成功 おめでとうッ

ノーカット・フルバージョン 57分は

「かぐや」打ち上げ成功 予定軌道へ - ITmedia News

"中国で「かぐや」は、正式名称の「セレーネ(SELENE、Selenological and Engineering Explorler=月学工学衛星)」がギリシア神話の月の女神と同名であることから



Planck spacecraft

"The Planck spacecraft, built by the European Space Agency (Esa), will hover in space a million miles from Earth and search the skies for faint traces of radiation left over from the universe's explosive birth 14 billion years ago.

The van-sized probe will gather these echoes of the Big Bang using instruments cooled to -273C in order to stop any traces of heat distorting the results."
Chilled spacecraft to coldly go in search of Big Bang | UK News | The Observer,,2005633,00.html

Liftoff of the Beidou satellite

"Liftoff of the Beidou satellite was at 1628 GMT (11:28 a.m. EST) from the Xichang space launch center in southwestern China's Sichuan province. The three-stage Long March 3A rocket deployed its payload into the planned orbit 24 minutes later, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency."
Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | China's space plans for 2007 begin with successful launch
